Welcome to SLBC Rajasthan
- This is an important forum available at the State level for co-ordination between the Government and banks on matter relating to banking development.
- Co-ordinate the activities of all banks in the state.
- Discuss operational problems in lending and initiate measures for quick and smooth flow of credit.
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ऑन लाइन-फॉर्म/आवेदन पत्र प्राप्त करें
Introduction of PM Street Vendor’s Atmanirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi - पीएम स्वनिधि)
Revamp of PMFBY scheme – Opt-In and Opt-Out forms - Hindi
Revamp of PMFBY scheme – Opt-In and Opt-Out forms - English
List of MSME Clusters in Rajasthan
Updated as on 30-08-2024